Iowa - Dermatology – (72170)
Location: Iowa
Eastern Iowa
3 hours to Chicago
IM Residency here
250 physicians and providers practicing in 40 specialties, averaging 400,000 patient visits annually
Dermatologist to join department within one of the largest physician-owned and governed multi-specialty clinics in the Midwest!
- Over 250 physicians and providers practicing in 40+ specialties, averaging 450,000 patient visits annually
- External referral base that includes 1.3 million
- Among Wellmark’s 13 Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), we are in the top three in the state in terms of Wellmark’s Value Index Score (VIS), a measure of quality and outcomes
- In 2017 and 2018, we achieved a perfect 100% MIPS score; in 2018, we ranked as the #1 lowest beneficiary cost ACO in the country
- Provider Engagement in the 96th percentile per The Advisory Board Company’s 2017 Engagement Survey
- Variety of work types available – general, medical, cosmetic (also open to other specializations)
- Longstanding community need and clinic growth
- Access to aesthetics equipment – Cutera Excel HR, Cutera TruSculpt 3D, Ellman Pelleve, Sciton Laser, ClearFX Skin Microdermabrasion 5000, Permark UltraEnhancer Pigment Machine, Rejuvapen Micropigmentation System, and UVB Light Phototherapy Unit
- No call
- Excellent payor mix
- Family-friendly, collegial atmosphere
- Profit sharing from aesthetic department ancillary revenues
- Competitive base salary, income guarantee and shareholder track
- Excellent benefits include: generous 401(k) profit sharing retirement plan, optional health, dental, vision, long-term disability, long-term care and term life insurance, and flexible spending accounts
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Use the form above to apply for this job now and Lydia Fowler will be in touch with you promptly to discuss this opportunity.
If you have any questions feel free to contact the recruiter for this position directly.

Lydia Fowler
Phone: (636) 387-5030